There's a lot of misinformation around vasectomies and sex post-vasectomy. In fact, most people don't understand what's involved in the procedure or the impact it can have on your body and sex life. So let's look at what a vasectomy is NOT!

A vasectomy is not castration

For many Australians, the closest they've come to a vasectomy is when they get their dog neutered. Unsurprisingly, sterilisation of animals is a completely different process to sterilisation of humans. When vets spay or neuter our pets they are not performing a vasectomy, they are usually performing a castration. Castration is the complete removal of the testicles. This not only ensures the animal can't reproduce, but it also stops them from producing testosterone.

A vasectomy does not involve removing testicles, or any other body parts for that matter. As you'll see from our procedure page a vasectomy only involves the vas deferens, which is the tube that carries sperm from your testes to your prostate gland. We don't remove it, or even impact your ability to produce sperm; all we do is prevent your sperm from mixing with your semen.

Vasectomy sex life after your vasectomy

A vasectomy does not affect your ability to produce testosterone

Because a vasectomy is simply redirecting your sperm, and not completely removing your testicles, your testosterone levels will remain unchanged. This means you won't notice any difference to the physical features affected by testosterone production, such as facial hair, muscle mass, or voice depth.

A vasectomy will not affect your sex life

Well, actually that's a little bit of a lie. Recent studies say that vasectomies might actually improve your sex life!

According to the most current research from Stanford University, people who have vasectomies have more sex than their fertile counterparts.

And if you want the really good news then look no further than Frankfurt University, who found that men who had received a vasectomy reported having higher sex drives, better erections and better orgasms (not to mention their female partners reported higher sexual arousal towards them).

The actual procedure involves preventing sperm from getting into your semen. This means your erection, your ejaculation and your orgasm will all remain unchanged. You'll need to refrain from having unprotected sex after the procedure until you've had your sperm count checked, just to make sure the procedure was successful, but after that your sex life should return to normal (or better).

Have more questions about vasectomy? Send us a message and someone from our team will call you back for a confidential discussion.